I realized today that I have not been a tourist with a camera in hand in a real long time. I finally got myself out of the ping-pong lifestyle I've been living between Atlanta and Sarasota for the past 8 months and jet set myself out to L.A. for some rejuvenated inspiration. I am beginning to see why the angels chose this city to dwell in!

Nothing like starting the day off with friends eating breakfast at an amazing street side organic cafe along Beverly Dr. in Beverly Hills!

On our amazing drive through the beautiful, historic, palm tree arch covered Beverly Hills we made a few stops for some must take cliche photos! (shh... secretly we were looking for Lauren Conrad!.lol)

I was determined to find a spot to take this photo! mission accomplished.
And last but not least, the site of me enjoying life!Gotta love the fashions of Los Angeles. O yeah, and they have pretty neat fitting rooms too!. Inside American Apparel on Hollywood blvd.