So, Sarasota never ceases to amaze me. I am home for a week in between graduation and the start of my internship, and have been busy with graduations stuff at home since. But today, I was itchin to shoot. I was thankful that it was mothers day, because my mother welcomed the idea of a walk on the beach at sunset. I knew that there would be something interesting down there, even if we couldn't see the sunset due to smoke.
I forgot until we got into the parking lot at the beach that it was Sunday night, which meant drum circle in Sarasota.

Eben Watson, 10months, enjoys an evening with his drum in the center of a drum circle on Siesta Key Beach in Sarasota. The Sunday drum circle has become a tradition in Sarasota bringing drummers and spectators from all over to beat their drums and dance to the rhythms of the beat.

Sarasota County sheriff Chris Laster scans Siesta Key Beach Sunday night as a Drum Circle set on the beach attracts many viewers. "It's after dark when we get busiest,"Laster said. "Thats when we get people starting fires and smoking dope."

Michele Smith and her husband Anton, of N.J., watch as Sarasota County Sheriffs on horseback write a ticket to a beachgoer for drinking alcohol out of a glass bottle on Siesta Key Beach in Sarasota Fla.