Arlington Cemetery was one of the more humbling sights I've seen in a long time. It was so powerful to be standing on a hill amongst gravestones representing the many fallen service men and woman who loved our country more than they loved their will to live. To look out over a city where some of the most powerful world changers in history dwelt and brought active change to our society. To see from the top of Arlington the Lincoln Memorial which was built to honor a man who led our country through internal crisis ending the American Civil War and bringing an end to Slavery, thus shaping this free world we now live in. To continue looking further past that to see the Washington Monument honoring the first president of the United states and then to look left from there and see the White House, which as of Monday when I was standing there was marking the ending of the Bush era and within 24 hours would mark the beginning of the Obama presidency. Then, to top it all off, sitting dead ahead in the distance was the US Capitol Building. A place which stands in definition for our countries government, and the platform for the swearing in of our presidential powers. Needless to say I was humbled by all that stood before me.

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