My last day in NY I set out to Brooklyn on a photo adventure to meet up with two of my favorite UF photogs
Celia Tobin and
Danny Ghitis. It was so wonderful to be around old friends in a new place. With plastic bags as snow gear in hand, we set out to photograph the emptiness that is winter at Coney Island. After about two minutes out there in the cold I lost feeling in my hands, and my feet were like giant puddles. My lens fogged up and my fingers were strugglin to change the camera dials through the gloves and the plastic bag.
But, the bottom line is... It was a Blast, and I would not have wanted it any other way. Ok, I take that back, thicker socks and snow boats would have been AWESOME!

"Run and Jump, Run and jump GO!(mumbled through my bundling up of course!) We laughed so hard when we realized they jumped the same way;)
And last but not least, Coney Island's metal beauty
such fun, such freaking cold.
we tropical people aren't meant for these conditions.
I like it.
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