Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Story of the Storyteller

I put together a short synopsis of a very hard realization I have come to these last few months.

Since graduating from UF two and a half years ago, I feel that my journey with photography has been spun around and tipped upside down many times. What started in newspaper quickly moved to non profit and then back to newspaper. From there I've tried weddings, freelance, magazines, the music industry, production companies, I've even given shooting video a go!

The one common thread I've found entangled within all my new adventures and titles, is the common passion of being a storyteller. It doesn't matter what the medium is, as long as I'm visually telling stories that will ultimately make a difference, I'm happy.

So here's to working toward happiness in whatever step we find ourselves on in this adventure....

the story of the storyteller from Luanne Dietz on Vimeo.

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